EESTEC is a non-political, non-profit organization of and for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) students. The aim is to promote and develop international contacts and the exchange of ideas among the students of EECS. The association achieves its aim through improving technical knowledge of EECS students, introducing them to the industry and the educational system of other countries. EESTEC LC Skopje is formed in 2003 and since then offers Ss Cyril and Methodius University students' a new level of education, based on improving their soft skills and giving them chance to take part of international events, learning new things and meeting new people and cultures. Its mission is to expand their horizons and give them a chance to practically use their skills.
Robomac is an international competition in robotics, programming and artificial intelligence. Robomac is organized for the fifth consecutive year. It was take place from 2nd to 9th March in Skopje, with students from the EESTEC and IEEE student branch all over Europe and local students from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
An interview about contest with me:
-Доаѓам од градот Ескишехир, од Електротехничкиот факултет „Османгази“, и сум студент во трета година. Прв пат сум во Македонија. Слушнав многу убави работи за Скопје, а знам дека луѓето од Балканот се многу добри и затоа сакав да дојдам - ни рече Бахадир Акин Акгул.
In this contest, our team have a challenge on humanoid category. We coded humanoid robot to dance. After audience's elections we were placed on second.
One day I really want to go back Macedonia!