When I was on my first year, my dream was learn how to process images with help of engineering approach. Finally, I took an image processing course on this term.
We worked on this topics:
• Mathematical foundations of image processing
• Current image processing technologies
• Programming in MATLAB
•Reading scientific papers
• Collect data
• Process images
• Propose applications
Also, I developed a project called "Kayser-Fleischer Ring Detection with MATLAB" for this project.
In this project, I target to solve a problem that a common symptom of Wilson disease. First of all, I would like to mention about what Wilson disease is. Wilson's disease or hepatolenticular degeneration is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in tissues; this manifests as neurological or psychiatric symptoms and liver disease. It is treated with medication
that reduces copper absorption or removes the excess copper from the body, but occasionally a liver transplant is required. Wilson disease has many symptoms but Kayser-Fleischer ring is the easiest
symptom that can be detected by computer based image detection systems. Kayser–Fleischer rings (KF rings), a pathognomonic sign, may be visible in the cornea of the eyes, either directly or on slit lamp examination as deposits of copper in a ring around the cornea. They are due to copper deposition in Descemet's membrane. They do not occur in all people with Wilson's disease. Wilson's disease is also associated with sunflower cataracts exhibited by brown or green pigmentation of the anterior and posterior lens capsule. Neither cause significant visual loss. KF rings occur in approximately 66% of diagnosed cases (more often in those with neurological symptoms rather than with liver problems).
Here are the homework solutions of project:
Project codes:
Course documents: