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C Programming Courses in ESOGU

As I mentioned earlier, I am a member of IEEE Student Branch organization in my university. Our student branch has decided to giving C Programming Courses to help freshman students their "Introduction to Programming" courses.
During the two months period, I realized this teaching stuff is harder than I expected. Even if you know something else, sometimes that will not enough. On the other hand, I like it. Because in this process, I've learned a lot of new things and do some C programming practice.
I would like to say thanks to all my students, I wish these courses could help to love programming.

Well, still you can obtain my old documents from my Skydrive:
Note: In this process, I used Visual Studio C++ as a C complier. It requires a little trick. You have to change file extension ".cpp" with ".c". If you didn't download Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you should download from here: