• Students should be informed about future engineering with presentations of companies which important companies in the world and/or Turkey.
• Companies’ main structure and information about companies’ future plans and projects.
• Companies should guidance for their HR departments, mention about recruitment process and basically, what are these companies expecting in this process.
• Sharing new technologies and what is the new job opportunities can be in this new technology?
• To participant companies can see what will be the profile of future employees.
• Sharing presenters’ carrier steps in their sector or companies and giving some advises about this issue.
2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem (2009)
Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi and Anadolu Universitesi IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Student Branches cooperation have organized 2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem successfully in Anadolu University Congress Center, 11-12 April 2009. Main theme was “Future engineering carrier” and student from all of the Turkey’s different part met with companies. Participants informed about new technologies and job opportunities is therefore these improvements, a company’s main structure, mission of a company, vision of a company, internal dynamics of a company, future projects of a company and what is the waiting difficulties when an engineer started to their carrier and shaping the future. Although this was the first event, there were many important companies participated to 2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem:
• yenibiris.com
• yahoo Turkey
• Arçelik A.S.
• Koc H.R.
• Savronik A.S.
• Aselsan A.S
• Anot Electronics A.S.
A feedback for 2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem 2009:
''It was a big happiness for me introduce and represent Aselsan in Sirket-i Alem Event which organized by co-operation of Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi and Anadolu University IEEE Student Branches in 12 April 2008. We had an opportunity for introduce our company, kill two birds with one stone, two university students are in there. Full of congress center were following me with shining eyes and waiting for my every single word to take it. We did presentation in a friendly environment with exchange of information. I appreciate organization team. See you in next organizations.”
Anıl Turel
Software Engineer
2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem (2010)
All over the students from Turkey’s different parts and sector’s important companies have been met in 17-18 April 2010 in Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Congress Center organized by co-operations of Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi and Anadolu University IEEE Student Branches. After the 2009, it will be a traditional event to purpose of connection between students and companies. 2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem (2010)’s main agenda was seminar of meeting sector leaders with person based working, workshops and personal developments and team working sections have done with parallel to each other. There were sections to improve personal development and shaping future of themselves. Also, companies have an opportunity to attenders’ interest with helping their stands. It was started on Saturday morning with introduction section and continues with a lot of parallel section and finally it finished in Sunday afternoon. In this event which successful engineers which are good in their professions and students met agenda was:
• Entrepreneurship
• Image Processing
• Nanotechnology
• Cryptology
Parallel to all of that with co-operation with “Bilisim Egitim Merkezi”:
• Software
• 3D-Max
• Photoshop
• System Security
sections were organized successfully.
2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem (2011)
Event started with welcome cocktail in one of the best places of Eskisehir: Nox Teras, 22 April 2011. After that in first section, Erdem Genc who founder of M3 Works and Ritmpark was started. He talked about his entrepreneurship experiences and he talked about students don’t have to work in their profession, they can also work in different sectors and also they can be successful in this sector. In the next section, Mert Yasar Tavsanci who is a younger entrepreneur, manager of Mertpromosyon was in there. Then, next entertaining section was Gelisim Akademi which represented by Emre Urfali who training coordinator in there. He mentioned about steps of business life and risks of entrepreneurship. Finally, there was Yenibiris.com section represented by Murat Babadali who Human Resources and Business Development Expert. He mentioned about steps of applying a job.
Differently from first day, there were technical sections in second day. In first section, Turkish Informatics Association represented by Osman Koycu who manager of young Istanbul and Innovation Box company founder. He mentioned about mobile applications. After the lunch break, there was FOX TV section which represented Fatih Portakal who anchorman of Calar Saat. He talked about their journalism carrier and current issues in Turkey. Finally, last section was METUTECH Animation Technologies and Game Development Center (METUTECH-ATOM) represented by Emen Kepenek who manager of ATOM.
2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem (2012)
4th Traditional 2 Gunde Sirket-i Alem Event has organized by ESOGUIEEE Student Branch in 31 March-1 April 2012. Although in the past years sector participants and personal development experts are commonly called to the event, in 2012, participants are commonly from military defense industry and agenda was more developing technology. This event has given an award from IEEE Turkey, “The Best Corporate Event” in 10th IEEE Turkish Student Branches and Gold. Attender companies TAI (Turkish Airline Industry), Savronik, Zivak, Gate Electronics are persuaded this event and these companies said their intention about working on different events or projects in the future. In this event, students all over from Turkey and companies representative were meeting. Participants informed about new technologies and job opportunities is therefore these improvements, a company’s main structure, mission of a company, vision of a company, internal dynamics of a company, future projects of a company and what is the waiting difficulties when an engineer started to their carrier and shaping the future. Also in this year, as previous years, event has a social guest, too: Irfan Degirmenci who is anchorman of Kanal D Sabah Haberleri and he talked about process of making news and event ended with many participants participating.