A selfie from Burak Bayburtlu with Winappfarm teams |
We selected to Winappfarm project to develop a project called Mappin' by Microsoft Ankara and Bilkent Cyberpark. I worked on Microsoft office in Ankara and developed this application. Also with this project, we are in Microsoft Bizspark program now. First of all, I would like to say thank you to all contributors. You can access detailed information about Winappfarm here.
Logo of our application Mappin' |
I would like to mention about Mappin'. Easy way of finding memories of people. Being able to share your experiences where it matters is now priceless. You can leave your mark on the earth for the others to see. You can find out the words of people who were in the same place just like you and inform the other people who will be on the same spot you are now.
In this project, I used Microsoft Azure Mobile Services backend with help of Microsoft Bizspark's free monthly 150$ Azure account. I learnt many things on this software project, I am glad because of that.
You can visit our application's website http://mappinapp.com/ and you may follow twitter account http://twitter.com/mappinsocial. Also you can download it from these links:
Windows Phone application:
Windows 8 application: