As we know, Windows 8 released for last users in October 26, 2012. It was a revolution for operating systems with especially it's touch-ready properties. You could upgrade your system for only 29 lira if you have any licensed Windows 7 product. It was a huge discount and a lots of user have upgraded their systems to Windows 8. On the contrary, some of users missed this chance. Well, I have good news for you. If you are an computer engineering student, you can provide Windows 8 freely. Microsoft Dreamspark Premium project targets to meet Windows 8 with future's engineer. Here is what you should do:
1- Firstly you need to find your university's Dreamspark Premium page. (If you don't know anything about this, you can do a web search that contains "microsoft dreamspark premium YourUniversitysName")
2-Then click to Sign in where located in right-side-up of page.
3-You will face with a login page. You should click register button on the bottom of page.
4-Then in this page, you should click "request an account or help".
5-In this page, you should write a letter for your request. This form will be considered by your department's assistant who responsible for Dreamspark Premium.
6-After the membership process, you can download Windows 8 and a lot of Microsoft product.