First of all, you need 6 months for apply this method. Unfortunately, you must start first step. This is very important for usefulling of this method.
First step. (8 weeks)
You need to say "hi" to 10 person each day.
Second step. (7 weeks)
You have to speak a person only 5 minutes each day.
Third step. (6 weeks)
You have to go a public area and scream someone's name each a day. e.g. Aliiiiiiii, Useiiiiiiinn, Chrisssss
Forth and last step. (5 weeks)
You have to enter a shop center and order a thing which there is no way to sell it in this shop center. e.g enter a chemist's shop and order a car tire. ( it can cause very bad things, take care yourselves ;) )